VP hopeful Gov. Tim Walz was asked by Nancy Pelosi to 'tone it down' on his abortion extremism

 August 8, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz said then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged him to back off on his extreme pro-abortion positions in 2018 because they were too radical, Breitbart reported. This could come back to haunt the Minnesota Democrat as Vice President Kamala Harris recently tapped him to be her running mate.  

Walz shared Pelosi's words with him in a speech at the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party convention. He was running for governor at the time and doubled down on his support for abortion from conception through birth.

"My record is so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down. I stand with Planned Parenthood," Walz told the crowd.

Pro-Abortion Zealot

There's no doubt that Walz is a pro-abortion zealot as he oversaw Minnesota legislation that made it the first state in the union to give blanket abortion rights to its citizens. The state expanded the already liberal law that allowed abortion through the second trimester.

This came after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, sending the issue back to the states. The Protect Reproductive Options Act conferred the "right" to birth control, sterilization, family planning services, and, of course, abortion up until birth.

When it was passed, the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life called the PRO Act "extreme, inhumane, and harmful to women and children who deserve so much better." Cathy Blaeser, the organization's co-executive director, blasted the law's radical provisions.

"The PRO Act means a right to abort any baby for any reason at any time up to birth. It means that the elective killing of a human being in utero is perfectly legal even in the third trimester of pregnancy when the child can feel excruciating pain and could live outside the womb," Blaeser said.

"It means that parents have no right to know when their teenage daughter has been taken to undergo an abortion," she added. "Gov. Walz’s absolutist abortion policy puts Minnesota in the company of just a small handful of countries around the world, including North Korea and China," Blaeser charged.

Intentionally Extreme

The bill could have been tempered with exceptions and other provisions. Instead, every effort to change the law to protect women and unborn children was shot down.

MCCL noted that lawmakers "rejected dozens of amendments that would have made the bill less extreme." These amendments included a partial-birth abortion ban, exceptions to third-trimester abortions, and providing anesthesia to unborn babies who can feel pain.

"This law doesn’t just allow late abortion for medical emergencies or hard cases. It allows late abortion for any reason whatsoever, and it’s an open invitation to notorious late abortion practitioners to come to Minnesota to set up shop," Blaeser noted.

Shockingly, lawmakers wouldn't even require these procedures to happen in licensed hospitals. "Here in Minnesota, you don’t even need to be a doctor or have a licensed facility in order to perform abortions. The lack of guardrails to protect women and children is appalling," the MCCL co-executive director added.

Pelosi recognized that Walz's positions were out of the mainstream, even in the child-murder-obsessed Democratic Party. Now, Harris and Walz make up the most extreme pro-abortion ticket in the history of presidential elections, and this could end their campaign.

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