This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
A parental rights watchdog has filed a new legal action against an Illinois school district that stands accused of discrimination, illegally, against those who are NOT "black, biracial or African American."
The civil rights complaint comes from Parents Defending Education and names the Community Unit School District 308 in Oswego.
The Washington Examiner said the allegations are that the school has used race to determine students' participation in an affinity group that has special benefits.
"It is ridiculous and, frankly, unconscionable that schools like Community Unit School District 308 are creating mentorship and educational opportunities for students based solely on their race," charged Caroline Moore, in an interview with the publication.
She is the vice president of the parents' group.
"Creating situations where students are separated in public schools by race at such a young age perpetuates race biases and discrimination that has no place in public schools in 2025," she explained.
"I look forward to OCR investigating and discontinuing such discriminatory practices that pit kids against each other."
Among the allegations is that the school produced a promotion for an affinity group called Black Students Alliance Buddies, "promoting programming facilitated by a subset of the district's Equity and Engagement Department called the 'Teachers on Special Assignment Division,'" the report said.
Under "Who can Attend" there is a requirement for students to qualify by identifying as "black, biracial, or African American."
The parents' organization said that's a clear violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the equal protection clause in the Constitution's 14th Amendment because the school is offering benefits "on the basis of race."
The report explained, "The watchdog group cited a 2015 case in which the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights found a school district in violation after holding a 'Black Lives Matter' assembly for 'African American students only.' Just holding a race-exclusive assembly violated Title VI and the equal protection clause, according to OCR, which is why PDE is confident that offering race-exclusive educational benefits presents a similar if not more egregious civil rights violation."