Trump speculates that Biden will use cocaine before next week's debate

 June 20, 2024

Donald Trump redoubled his demands for a drug test before his debate with Joe Biden, speculating he would be "pumped up" on something.

Speaking to a crowd in Wisconsin, Trump went so far as to suggest that Biden would use cocaine to stay alert at the June 27 debate.

"He’s going to be so pumped up! He’s going to be pumped up! You know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House?" Trump said, to laughter from the crowd.

Trump's drug claim

Trump was alluding to the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House last summer. The cocaine was left in an area used for invitation-only tours.

At the time, Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden - a notorious crack abuser - were away at Camp David. The Secret Service briefly investigated the matter but closed the probe without identifying a suspect.

At the time, the agency said there was no surveillance footage, no DNA, and no fingerprints that could help locate the culprit.

Speaking at a rally in Racine on Tuesday, Trump connected the notorious cocaine incident with Joe Biden.

"Somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of cocaine," Trump said. "I wonder who that could've been. I don't know. Actually, I think it was Joe."

This isn't the first time Trump has suggested Biden is on drugs. Trump previously speculated that Biden was "high as a kite" during his fired-up State of the Union address.

Biden's age a "fake" issue?

Biden's age is a touchy subject for his campaign and administration, with most Americans saying he is too old for his job.

His campaign has sought to turn the tables on Trump by highlighting the Republican's occasional slips.

At a recent event, Trump confused the name of his former doctor while calling on Biden to take a cognitive test - something Biden has yet to do.

The Biden campaign has become noticeably more defensive about his age, accusing critics of circulating deceptively edited "cheap fakes" of Biden looking confused.

Of course, Democrats won't be able to use "cheap fakes" as an excuse if Biden breaks down during next week's live debate.

CNN confirmed Thursday that Trump will get the last word at the June 27 debate following a coin toss.

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