Trump pledges to end persecution of Christians, free pro-lifers from Biden's 'gulags'

 June 27, 2024

Donald Trump pledged to end the persecution of pro-life activists who have been "rounded up" and kept in "gulags" by Joe Biden's regime.

During a speech with the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Trump said he would take action on day one of his presidency to free "political prisoners" like 75-year-old Paulette Harlow.  

"We will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who is unjustly victimized by the Biden regime, including we can get them out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong," he said.

"Can you imagine this? This is a good woman, this is a religious woman and they throw her in jail," Trump said.

Trump's promise to Christians

The Biden administration has vigorously pursued pro-life activists under a Clinton-era law called the FACE Act, which makes it a crime to block abortion clinics.

Harlow, who has health issues, was sentenced to two years in prison under the FACE Act despite her husband's pleas for mercy. The judge reportedly told Harlow, who is Catholic, to "make every effort to remain alive," saying she has a religious obligation to do so.

Trump cited Harlow's case as an example of Biden's war on Christianity. If elected, Trump said, he would make things right.

"Paulette is one of many peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up, sometimes with SWAT teams, and thrown them in jail,” Trump said.

"Many people are in jail over this. … We’re going to get that taken care of immediately — [on the] first day.”

"You have to get elected"

While coming to the defense of pro-lifers, Trump once again urged conservatives to compromise on abortion, an issue that has paid dividends for Democrats in recent election cycles.

"You have to go with your heart, but you have to also remember, you have to get elected," Trump told the crowd. Trump has taken credit for the demise of Roe v. Wade, but he has resisted calls from pro-life organizations for a national abortion ban, saying the issue is now with the states where it belongs.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee pleaded with Christians to vote and bring an end to Biden's "Marxist" government.

"This is not America anymore that we're living in," Trump said.

"These people are nasty, they're bad, they're bad. But you know what, we're tougher than they are. We're tougher than they are. But we have to be smart. We have to vote. We have to get out and vote."

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