President Joe Biden's aides 'scared' of triggering him while inner circle tries in vain to hide his mental decline

 July 3, 2024

President Joe Biden trusts only his top aides in the inner circle who have been protecting him from revealing his mental decline, Breitbart reported. Those lower in the chain of command are increasingly "scared sh*tless" of triggering the volatile 81-year-old.

The unflattering information comes from a leak within the Biden White House to Politico in the wake of his humiliating debate showing last week. Democrats seem shell-shocked after realizing the truth of Biden's cognitive decline has been actively hidden from them.

Meanwhile, his advisers are forced to tread lightly in briefings. "It’s like, 'You can’t include that; that will set him off,' or 'Put that in; he likes that,'" a senior official admitted.

"It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him," the unnamed official added.

Pointing Fingers

Biden's world has become smaller as it becomes evident that he can no longer function enough to campaign effectively. "He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it," a senior official noted.

The debate against former President Donald Trump last Thursday was on Biden's terms and was supposed to quell the fears of voters who worried about the president's mental fitness. Instead, it served as a stark comparison between the two as Biden struggled to string together his thoughts.

Now that America has seen exactly how far gone Biden is, the finger-pointing has begun. Members of the Biden family blame top campaign brass for his woes, including former chief of staff Ron Klain, who prepared Biden for the debate at Camp David, and senior adviser Anita Dunn, who pushed to have the debate before the parties' respective conventions.

John Morgan, a megadonor to the Democrats, blamed "the cabal" in the inner circle, including Klain and Dunn, for this debacle. "The whole planning, preparation was political malpractice," Morgan said in an interview.

"I think he has a misplaced trust in these three people, and I believe he has from the inception," he added. Many believe that these people, especially those who are closest to Biden in his daily routine, should have seen this coming.

The Enablers

Democrats are blaming the tightly closed circle for allowing Biden to deteriorate away from the public eye only for the truth to be on full display during the debate. "The fact is, there wasn’t an open dialogue about whether he should run except for the people who would benefit from him running," one operative noted.

They were working under the false premise "that this was going to be about Trump, not about Biden, and at the end of the day, people just wouldn’t vote for Trump," the unnamed source close to the campaign added. "But here we are, we’re sitting in July, and the race is about Biden, and it’s about a trait you can’t fix."

Another donor close to the situation believes, "We’ve all enabled the situation." However, First Lady Jill Biden is arguably the worst enabler of all.

Sounding very much like an elementary school teacher to a kindergartner in need of encouragement, she famously congratulated her husband after he "answered every question" in the debate, Fox News reported. She continues to pull him around by the wrist and prop him up to Democratic donors despite his obvious challenges.

There's no hiding Biden's mental state any longer from voters. He is age-addled, confused, and unfit to serve, and there's nothing his inner circle can do to hide that anymore.

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