Possible new SCOTUS 'leaker' suspected after bizarre White House executive order

 June 23, 2024

While questions remain regarding the first "leaker" at the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the decision that ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade, a new situation has raised questions about another potential SCOTUS leak. 

According to The Daily Wire, a recent executive order signed by President Joe Biden just days before a related Supreme Court ruling has many, including The Federalist's Sean Davis, asking who might be tipping off the White House to upcoming SCOTUS rulings.

The EO in question, which was described as bizarre and oddly specific, was regarding the legalization of the spouses of immigrants, no matter if they're here to commit crimes or here legally.

Biden's EO came just days before SCOTUS ruled that the U.S. "is not required to admit immigrant spouses of American citizens in a case involving an MS-13 member whose spouse was a U.S. citizen and who demanded legalization."

What's going on?

Davis wrote a lengthy post on social media pointing to the timing of the White House's weirdly specific executive order related to the Supreme Court ruling that was announced roughly 48 hours later.

The Federalist writer strongly believes that someone in the White House was tipped off by someone at the Supreme Court, prompting the unexpected executive order.

"Just days ago, the Biden regime announced a radical new executive order to legalize the immigrant spouses of citizens, even if those immigrants were in the U.S. to commit crimes or were here legally. It was very strange timing for such an oddly specific EO," Davis wrote.

He added, "Now we know why: the Supreme Court ruled today in a 6-3 decision that the U.S. is not required to admit immigrant spouses of American citizens in a case involving an MS-13 member whose spouse was a U.S. citizen and who demanded legalization."

Davis called the EO "shoddily" written, calling out the suspect timing of it.

"Somebody at the White House was clearly tipped off about the unannounced Supreme Court decision, which explains why the White House rushed out such a shoddily written and argued new executive order to open the border even more: the Biden regime knew how the Supreme Court was going to rule, and it sought to pre-empt the court with its absurd EO," Davis wrote.

Social media reacts

Many across social media agreed with Davis' assessment.

"A clear case of a leak. Biden getting the EO out first lets him claim he wasn't going against the court's opinion. In actuality, since he knew what judgement was coming, Joe was directly defying the SCOTUS yet again," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Hmmmm. Could that be the same leaker as the last one about Roe?"

Only time will tell if an investigation is launched, but he's right: the timing is far too convenient to be coincidental.

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