Paul Pelosi's Attacker Convicted On Multiple State Charges After 2022 Incident

 June 22, 2024
David DePape was found guilty of kidnapping, burglary, and other charges in a verdict that concluded days of jury deliberation, Fox News reported

On a late October night in 2022, as the midterm elections approached, David DePape entered the San Francisco residence of Paul Pelosi, husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. This attack occurred while Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C. DePape, armed with a hammer, confronted Paul Pelosi, demanding to know the whereabouts of Nancy Pelosi.

During this confrontation, DePape inflicted severe injuries on Paul Pelosi using the hammer. The injuries were so critical that they required extensive surgical intervention, including the insertion of plates and screws to mend a skull fracture, as well as treatment for other injuries to his right arm and hand.

Details of the Conviction and Jury Deliberation

The state case against DePape concluded with a jury verdict on a Friday, after deliberations that began the preceding Tuesday. He was convicted on multiple serious charges, including kidnapping, false imprisonment, threatening a public official, and burglary.

Earlier, DePape had faced a federal trial where he was acquitted of attempted murder, elder abuse, and assault with a deadly weapon due to concerns over double jeopardy. However, for the federal charges related to the same attack, he was sentenced in May to 30 years in prison.

Impact of Conspiracy Theories and Remorse Expressed by DePape

In the months leading up to the attack, DePape had isolated himself, immersing in various conspiracy theories that influenced his drastic actions. During the trial, he revealed his initial plan was to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and coerce her into confessing supposed lies about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

At one point during the trial, DePape expressed regret for his actions, particularly the harm inflicted on Paul Pelosi. He admitted to feeling "horrible for hurting Mr. Pelosi" and lamented his decision to not leave the premises upon discovering that Nancy Pelosi was not home.

Public and Family Responses to the Verdict

Following the conviction, a spokesperson for Speaker Pelosi stated that the Pelosi family remains in awe of Paul Pelosi's bravery, both during the attack and throughout his testimony at the trial. "For nearly 20 grueling months, Mr. Pelosi has demonstrated extraordinary courage and fortitude every day of his recovery," the spokesperson continued.

Additionally, the spokesperson mentioned that the Pelosi family would refrain from further substantive comments until after the sentencing is completed.

"I should have gone home when I found out Nancy Pelosi wasn’t there," DePape said, reflecting on his actions during the proceedings. His acknowledgment of regret and the impact of his actions on the Pelosi family added a personal dimension to the proceedings.

Legal Consequences and Broader Implications

The conviction of David DePape marks a significant legal resolution to an incident that caught national attention, given its timing and political undertones. The case has also highlighted issues surrounding security for public officials and the influence of misinformation.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential real-world effects of conspiracy theories and the importance of mental health and social support systems in preventing such tragic incidents.

In conclusion, David DePape's conviction in the state case brings partial closure to a harrowing chapter for the Pelosi family and serves as a critical reminder of the challenges and risks faced by public figures.

The legal proceedings have unfolded over several months, providing a detailed picture of the attack's circumstances, DePape's motivations, and the subsequent legal ramifications.

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