This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
Under Joe Biden's agenda to promote transgenderism to all, including those horrific body mutilations done on children, it was routine for prison inmates to demand, and be provided, tax-paid surgeries.
But it appears that might be coming to a halt.
A new report at HeadlineUSA explains Indiana's prison system was told by a judge to arrange for such "treatment" for one inmate, but now cannot find a doctor to participate in the procedure.
The report cited social media documentation that, "Indiana's prison system can't find a single doctor in the state willing to give a sex change to the baby-killing, self-purported trans Muslim inmate. It also looks like doctors around the country are shuttering their sex-change practices. Moreover, 15 states refused to even consider giving the baby-killer a sex change, while the rest of the states have signaled they probably won't, either."
HeadlineUSA said a federal judge had ordered the sex-change operation last year to "self-purported Muslim transgender inmate Jonathan Richardson."
He's in jail for 55 years for murdering his infant stepdaughter.
His case has been complicated by a report from psychologist Kelsey Beers who recommended against the procedure, citing the inmate's "co-morbidities of borderline and antisocial personality disorders—not gender dysphoria."
He also pointed to the inmate's history of faking mental illnesses.
Notwithstanding, the prisons division has been asking doctors to do the surgery, a result of Richardson's lawsuit over a law banning such treatments.
The report noted, "However, no doctor in Indiana is willing to conduct such a surgery, parties to the lawsuit revealed in a status report Wednesday."
One doctor said he was unwilling to move on the case and others said they had discontinued such treatments.
Reaching across state lines, the request either was rejected outright, or put on hold pending developments, by officials in Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming.
So far, what is happening in the case is an order for a mental health evaluation for the inmate, the report said.