Nancy Pelosi runs interference for Biden's poor debate performance by claiming 'Trump has dementia' while Biden simply had a 'bad night'

 July 2, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that former President Donald Trump is suffering from dementia, The UK Independent reported. This is a reversal of the reality about President Joe Biden, whose confusion, weak voice, and staring during last week's debate have raised concerns about his ability to lead.

Pelosi attempted to do damage control for Biden after his abysmal debate performance in Atlanta last week by claiming "health care professionals" believe that "Trump has dementia."  The California Democrat was combating calls to replace Biden for the election.

Speaking to CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" Sunday, Pelosi claimed that Biden simply had a "bad night." She spun lies about how sharp and engaged Biden is behind closed doors, perhaps hoping the American people won't believe their own eyes and ears.


Many believed the president's inability to string together coherent thoughts pointed to a problem with his cognitive health. Rather than bothering to dispute what has become painfully obvious, Pelosi deflected by attacking Trump.

"There are health care professionals who think that Trump has dementia. If we're just talking about mental acuity, let's be fair about it," Pelosi told Bash.

"Not even that he lies, that he doesn’t know the truth," she added. Pelosi then attempted to contrast this to the picture of a vigorous Biden, with whom she works on a regular basis.

"When I debate with him about legislation — and not debate, but discuss it with him, he’s right there. So, in any case, it was a bad night," Pelosi conceded about the face-off Biden had with Trump.

"Let’s not sugarcoat that. It was a bad night. It was a great presidency," Pelosi claimed. "And that’s what the American people have to choose, a night where somebody’s going to just misrepresent the facts completely, and then you’re on your guard, the other person has to negate that, or, again, it was a bad night."

Replacing Biden

While Pelosi circled the wagons for Biden, many on the left are beginning to accept that Biden has to go. Perhaps one of the most outspoken proponents of this is leftist political commentator Bill Maher.

In a guest essay for the New York Times Monday, Maher called for Biden to "step aside" while the Democrats hold an open convention in Chicago next month. "What happened at the debate last week wasn’t a tragedy, it was a blessing in disguise," Maher wrote.

The host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher recalled how he warned that this should happen "almost a year ago" but that the time has now come. "Well, now it’s on the table, where it always should have been. And far from being some kind of disaster for the Democratic Party, it plays right into what works best in 21st-century American culture. Americans like new," Maher continued.

"My pick would be Gavin Newsom. Watching him make the case against Mr. Trump in the pre-debate interviews, and defend Mr. Biden post-debate, reminded me: This guy is good at this," Maher added of the California Democrat.

Pelosi, Maher, and others can all run interference for Biden, but the voters saw the truth last week. Biden is unfit for office, let alone reelection, which proves that Trump is and always was the man for the job.

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