Nancy Pelosi claims some health care professionals think Trump has dementia

By Jen Krausz on
 July 1, 2024

In the most absurd claim of the week, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed on CNN Sunday that some health care professionals think former President Donald Trump has dementia.

Pelosi's comments came in response to a New York Times op-ed in which Thomas Friedman said he believed that due to President Joe Biden's apparent diminished mental capacity as shown during the first presidential debate, he should step aside as the Democrat presidential nominee for 2024.

Dana Bash quoted Friedman to Pelosi and asked, "Is there any part of you that believes that President Biden should step aside?"

That's when the spinning began.


Pelosi started out claiming that the voters in California were for Biden. No, really? Since when has California voted Republican?

She then claimed Trump "lied, lied, lied, and lied" during the debate. That's pretty understandable for a Democrat to say.

But after that, she went completely off the deep end.

She said, "And, by the way, while the press -- and, for some reason, they don't -- there are health care professionals who think that Trump has dementia, that his connection -- his thoughts do not go together, not only that he just lies; he doesn't even know the truth."

It was a sentence almost as tragically incoherent as some of Biden's--probably because it contained as big a whopper of a lie as she claims Trump told.

Who's lying?

No reputable doctor has diagnosed Trump with dementia, and Trump took a cognitive test that he passed with flying colors, unlike Biden who has refused any kind of cognitive test.

But this is the only defense the Democrats have--that Trump is just as mentally deficient as Biden and furthermore, he's an evil dictator so he shouldn't be president.

I guess the new definition of dementia is being accused of telling lies and not knowing what the truth is.

Luckily, the public isn't buying this poppycock for a second. I've already mentioned in another post today the Washington Post poll that showed more swing state voters (44%) trust Trump to protect democracy than Biden (33%).

The public isn't fooled. If the debate didn't make it clear which candidate has his wits about him, I don't know what will.

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