Key Democrat Donors Demand Biden Step Down After Debate Concerns, Fear Loss to Trump

 July 3, 2024

Amid growing uncertainty, Democratic Party stalwarts are in disarray following President Joe Biden's troubling debate performance. Biden's failure to communicate effectively during the CNN event has sparked serious concerns among party leadership and supporters alike, setting off debates about the future and leadership of the party, the Daily Mail reported.

The Democratic party is in upheaval after a series of poor public appearances by Biden, raising questions about his re-election prospects.

The problematic debate last Thursday revealed Biden struggling materially with his communication, failing to articulate concise thoughts, and trailing off into incoherence. This performance has notably rattled confidence within his party, significantly altering perceptions about his capabilities to effectively lead and campaign against Donald Trump in the forthcoming electoral battle.

Immediate Reactions and Donor Discontent

One prominent voice, major Democratic donor Whitney Tilson, expressed stern reproach towards the President's ongoing candidacy. Tilson, who has contributed more than $300,000 to the Democratic Party, stated that for the good of both Biden and the country, the President should consider stepping aside. "For Biden's own good and the good of the country, he should step aside immediately," Tilson remarked, capturing the mood of urgency among donors.

Compounding the issue, Biden's appearance at a New York fundraiser raised additional concerns. Biden primarily read from a teleprompter and did not interact with attendees, which did little to alleviate worries about his engagement and mental acuity. A guest at the event expressed skepticism about the strategy, insisting that simply "doing that for the next five months is not going to be enough."

DNC's Response and Internal Conflicts

Further dousing the flames with gasoline, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez addressed DNC members in a call that many found unsatisfactory. According to DNC member John Verdejo, the call resembled more of a pep rally than an honest discussion on the pressing issues at hand. "The call was akin to a rah-rah speech," Verdejo reported, highlighting a lack of substantive dialogue about Biden's evident debate deficiencies.

Many DNC members left the call feeling misled or even "gaslighted" by campaign officials, a sentiment that highlights the growing rift within the party. The confusion only deepened as Jen O'Malley Dillon, in an internal memo, claimed that the debate did not sway public perception substantially— a statement at odds with live feedback and polls indicating a steep decline in confidence regarding Biden's cognitive health.

Adding to the controversy, Mike LaRosa openly challenged the campaign's optimistic data interpretation. His statement, conveyed on social media, queried the absence of compelling counter data: "The data!? If there is data that counters the impact of what we all saw then WHERE THE HELL IS IT???" This internal discord paints a stark picture of a campaign at odds with itself amidst external pressures.

Poll Results and Public Opinion

A CBS News/YouGov poll underscored the decline in public confidence, revealing a significant downturn in the perception of Biden's mental and cognitive capabilities following the debate. The poll indicates deepening public skepticism just months away from a major electoral showdown with Donald Trump.

Reacting to these developments, former Obama adviser Brett Bruen encapsulated the mood among donors. "The donors are the canaries in the political coal mine," Bruen observed, suggesting that donor dissatisfaction often presages broader electoral challenges. He further supported the call for Biden's resignation as "absolutely a sensible strategy," reflecting a strategic recalibration that might be necessary for the party's success.

The situation's complexity is further exacerbated by Vice President Kamala Harris's polarizing figures within the party, making the succession scenario even more convoluted. As one senior Democratic figure lamented, the irony is stark: "Anybody but Kamala Harris would have a better-than-even chance of beating Donald Trump!"

Biden's Retreat and Ongoing Concerns

Following the debate, Biden retreated to Camp David, and his subsequent public appearance to address a Supreme Court ruling was brief, avoiding any interaction with the press. This pattern of avoidance has done little to quell the disquiet among party members and lawmakers, who fear that the President's perceived vulnerabilities could jeopardize not only his re-election but also affect down-ballot races.

An aide to a House Democrat expressed anxiety over the broader implications: "There are real worries that dissatisfaction with Biden will depress voter turnout overall." This sentiment is reverberating through the party as the general election looms, highlighting a potentially catastrophic impact on Democratic ambitions across the board.

In conclusion, President Biden's recent public appearances, particularly during the crucial CNN debate, have catalyzed a significant backlash within the Democratic Party. Major donors are voicing loud calls for reconsideration of his candidacy, fearing electoral repercussions against an energized Trump campaign. The disconnect between party leadership's public reassurance and the private concerns aired by members and donors underscores a critical period of introspection for the Democrats as they navigate these turbulent political waters.

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