Judge Merchan taken off o Steve Bannon’s border wall fundraiser case

 June 28, 2024

The judge who presided over former President Donald Trump's hush money case has been removed from the case of Trump ally Steve Bannon.

Judge Juan Merchan was set to oversee the New York criminal trial relating to his “We Build the Wall” fundraising campaign, as The Washington Examiner reported.

Merchan is no longer involved in the case, according to a statement issued by Judge Ellen Biben, who stated that the reason for his departure was schedule conflicts.

From the Statement

“Merchan … who is assigned to this matter, is engaged to preside over a six-defendant trial that is scheduled to commence on 09/16/24 and expected to last at least three months,” she wrote, while Bannon’s trial is set to begin on Sept. 23.

Judge April Newbauer will oversee Bannon's case and "follow up with the parties to schedule a status conference and for any further communication," according to the statement's last paragraph.

On July 23, Bannon is scheduled to make an appearance in front of her for the case.

Previous Plea

Bannon has entered not guilty pleas on multiple counts of criminal offenses, including those involving his alleged fundraising effort deceiving contributors into parting with their money, conspiracy, and fraud.

In 2022, the Trump supporter was found guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with the House committee that met on January 6.

He will serve a four-month sentence in a Connecticut prison beginning on July 1. He recently asked the Supreme Court to postpone his sentencing.

Another Legal Fight

Steve Bannon has asked the Supreme Court to delay his sentencing, but the Justice Department is urging the court to deny his request.

The Justice Department argued in a brief submitted to the nation's highest court on June 26 that Bannon, a former adviser to President Trump, should be ordered to report to prison on July 1, according to the brief.

Bannon was found guilty in 2022 of contempt of Congress for his failure to appear before the House of Representatives committee on Jan. 6, and to produce the needed documents,

After a protracted legal struggle culminating in a conviction, Bannon sought an urgent ruling from the Supreme Court on June 21 in order to vacate his four-month jail term.

The federal government's attorneys have stated that Mr. Bannon's request for a stay of execution does not meet the "extraordinary" standard that would permit his release pending investigation.

Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar asserted that Bannon "responded to the subpoena with total noncompliance" and "He did not produce any documents and refused to appear for his scheduled deposition."

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