Jill Biden thanks her husband's supporters, tells them to support Kamala Harris

 July 25, 2024

Jill Biden waved a white flag over the White House on Wednesday, thanking supporters of her husband as the 81-year-old president formally announced he would not seek a second term.

It's a stunning capitulation from the Biden family, which spent three tumultuous weeks clinging to power after Biden's career-ending debate performance.

Jill waves the white flag

As longtime allies started to abandon Biden, his wife insisted he was "all in." In a stunning reversal on Sunday, Biden said he would forgo re-election.

Biden broke the historic news in a letter posted online, and Jill responded with a heart emoji.

In another post on Wednesday night, Jill Biden urged Democrats to rally behind vice president Kamala Harrs, who has quickly become the frontrunner to replace her husband. She also thanked her husband's supporters for sticking with him over the years.

"To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude,” Jill Biden wrote. “Thank you for the trust you put in Joe–now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala. Love, Jill.”

Biden's "farewell" speech

Jill Biden was in the Oval Office to support her husband on Wednesday night, along with her stepson Hunter and other family members as Joe Biden gave a formal speech about his decision.

In the speech, Biden did not say why he was stepping aside, merely declaring he would "pass the torch" to the next generation. Of course, he took veiled swipes at Trump, echoing hyperbolic campaign rhetoric that Trump would end "democracy."

"I revere this office, but I love my country more," Biden said.

"It's been the honor of my life to serve as your president. But in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it's more important than any title."

Biden's decision marks the end of his 50-year career in politics, which saw him rise to the Senate as a young man and seek the presidency twice unsuccessfully before finally achieving his ambition in 2020.

One might call Biden's speech a farewell, except he has not resigned, sparking protests from Republicans who say he isn't fit to continue serving.

The White House has denied that Biden's health had anything to do with his decision.

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