Hunter Biden's conviction a 'distraction' from Trump 'persecution': columnist

 June 17, 2024

Prominent Democrats have cited Hunter Biden's conviction to argue that justice in America is blind. To many, it appears all too convenient as Democratic prosecutors harass "convicted felon" Donald Trump ahead of the presidential election this November.

In an article for the Washington Times, columnist Robert Knight dismissed Hunter's trial as a "distraction" meant to cover up the existence of a two-tiered system of justice favoring Democrats. 

"Hunter’s gun charge conviction is supposed to cover the fact that Democrats are ruthlessly using the legal system to persecute their main opponent and his aides in multiple jurisdictions purely for political reasons," Knight wrote.

The Hunter Biden "distraction"

Following Hunter Biden's conviction, Special Counsel David Weiss claimed that "no one is above the law," echoing a mantra Democrats have used to target Trump.

Since Hunter's conviction, prominent Democrats and left-wing media have said that Trump's claim about two-tiered justice is no longer tenable.

However, Republicans have dismissed the notion that Hunter's verdict vindicates the rule of law. They say, instead, that it's a deceptive form of political theater.

For example, Knight pointed out that the gun case does not implicate the rest of Hunter Biden's family, despite significant evidence of an influence peddling scheme in which Joe Biden had a role.

"The gun disgrace is one of the few scandals lurking in Hunter’s 'laptop from hell' that doesn’t entangle the rest of the Bidens, who are hip-deep in influence peddling," Knight wrote.

Two-tiered justice

Knight also observed that the Justice Department under Special Counsel David Weiss did "everything possible" to avoid prosecuting the Bidens.

"He slow-walked investigations, let statutes of limitations run out and even tipped off the Biden lawyers about classified documents at the Biden home and office," Knight wrote.

Knight argued that a bias against Republicans is still clear, pointing to a broad pattern of disparate treatment, including the failure to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for an illegal e-mail server in 2016.

Clinton was also never charged despite labeling payments for the notorious Trump-Russia dossier "legal services." By contrast, Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts of "falsifying business records" for basically the same thing, Knight noted.

A recent poll found that a majority of Americans think Trump's trial was political, while less than half think the same is true of Hunter's case.

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