Hunter Biden drops lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, Latest Legal Setback

 June 15, 2024

Hunter Biden has been taking losses left and right and in his latest legal setback, Biden has dropped his lawsuit against former President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani.

According to a court filing on Thursday, Biden agreed to drop his civil suit against Giuliani and Giuliani's former lawyer, Robert Costello.

The lawsuit alleged that Giuliani manipulated data on his laptop which he then gave to The New York Post, which it published less than a month before the presidential election.

Joe Biden's campaign quickly moved to deny that the laptop was real with the help of the deep state. A letter from 51 intelligence officials claimed that the laptop was Russian disinformation which fueled Biden's lawsuit.

However, fast forward to today, and Hunter Biden has been convicted on gun charges because of evidence found on that laptop which the justice department begrudgingly admitted was real and not Russian in origin.

Biden is finished

The information found on Hunter Biden's laptop carries devastating implications. Not only has it led to his conviction for lying on a federal form when purchasing a handgun, but it also could lead to his father's downfall.

Hunter's decision to drop the lawsuit against Giuliani came just two days after he was found guilty on three felony counts related to a 2018 gun purchase and possession of the gun while using narcotics on Tuesday.

With his attorney Abbe Lowell filing to dismiss the case, Presiding Judge Jessica Clarke must not approve that motion.

An insider told NBC News that “As Giuliani is in bankruptcy and agreed to have the case waiting for when he is done, it made no sense to continue it in a non-bankruptcy court until that happens."

However, that may only be half of the story as Hunter Biden is also in dire financial straits.

Money running dry

Back in May, Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer and Hunter's primary financial supporter, pulled all his financial assistance as he was reportedly running out of money to fund Hunter Biden's legal defense.

Biden's legal troubles have drained both the Biden family and their friends after years of litigation and lawsuits.

So while Giuliani is financially destitute, Biden also doesn't have the resources to continue his lawsuit, especially considering that the payout would be nonexistent.

Hunter Biden can't seem to catch a break and this is all before he has been sentenced for his conviction. The money is running out and he could be spending some time in prison thanks to his terrible decision to abandon his laptop in a computer repair store.

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