Graham says Dems want to 'destroy' Supreme Court with reform push

 June 24, 2024

Republican senator Lindsey Graham (R-Sc.) blasted efforts by Senate Democrats to "destroy" the Supreme Court in the name of ethics.

Graham dismissed a reform bill that Democrats tried to pass, saying it would allow them to "micromanage" the top court's business.

"It was a constitutional overreach. They’re trying to micromanage the Roberts court," Graham told Fox News Sunday. 

Plot to "destroy" Supreme Court

For months, Democrats have pursued a pressure campaign against the conservative court, which they argue is corrupt and in need of oversight.

The reform push escalated in the wake of reports that an inverted American flag and "Appeal To Heaven" flag were flown at Samuel Alito's homes. Both symbols have been loosely identified with the January 6th riot, although their history goes back much further. Democrats have also complained about undisclosed gifts that Alito and Clarence Thomas received from billionaires.

Graham, who sits on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, recently blocked a bill that would have allowed the public to file ethics complaints against the Supreme Court with lower court judges. The reform bill "would have allowed lower court judges to determine when a Supreme Court Justice should be recused," Graham said.

Republicans have blasted the push for more oversight as a thinly veiled power grab and an attack on a co-equal branch of government.

"The worst thing that happened is for the United States Senate and the House to determine what cases the Supreme Court hears," Graham said.

Libs "squealing" over court shift

The Supreme Court's justices serve for life while in good behavior. The court adopted an ethical code in November under pressure, but the justices are trusted to enforce it themselves.

"They’re trying to destroy Alito and Thomas because they don’t like the fact they are conservative judges," Graham said.

Graham said the court previously operated as a rubber stamp for a progressive agenda, and Democrats are frustrated with the loss of control.

"Donald Trump changed the court. They’re squealing like stuck pigs because the Supreme Court is no longer a political body," he said.

"It is actually looking at the Constitution and making constitutionally sound decisions versus political decisions. That’s the problem liberals have with the court.”

"Democrats can’t convince you that there’s something bad wrong with the court, they’re going to lose because most Americans believe that they’re not safer under President Biden than they were Trump,” he added.

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