Former first lady Michelle Obama's icy relationship with the Biden family stems from their mistreatment of Hunter Biden's ex-wife

 June 28, 2024

Former first lady Michelle Obama is outraged about how President Joe Biden and his family treated Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, Fox News reported. Buhle divorced Hunter Biden in 2017 amid his infidelity and drug abuse.

Buhle and the then-first lady became friends during President Barack Obama's administration when Joe Biden was vice president. They continue to have a close relationship, which has led to Michelle Obama's frustration about how they treat her friend.

A source claims that the former first lady felt the family turned its back on Buhle after her divorce from Hunter Biden. As Buhle described it in her book "If We Break," she felt "largely exiled" from the powerful family as the pair separated in 2015 and finally divorced two years later.

Her memoir shared the details of the tumultuous relationship with Hunter Biden, which was marked by his addiction and philandering.  These revelations angered the Biden family, though Hunter Biden would tell all in his 2021 "Beautiful Things" memoir anyway.

Sources of Tension

After Buhle's marriage with Hunter Biden dissolved and the Biden family turned their back on her, Michelle Obama found it hard to campaign for Joe Biden. In 2020, she was "initially reluctant" to stump for him until finally agreeing to speak at the Democratic National Convention that year.

This time around, Michelle Obama has largely remained on the periphery as Joe Biden runs for reelection. The only thing that seems to bring the families together is opposition to former President Donald Trump.

With that singular goal in mind, the two families appeared together earlier this month at a highbrow fundraising event. Still, the tension between the Obamas and Bidens seems to be mutual.

Sources believe that Joe Biden is still seething about what happened in the run-up to the 2016 election. As the vice president then, Joe Biden was the logical choice for the Democratic candidate.

However, Barack Obama discouraged his then-vice president from running, citing the family's fresh grief after Beau Biden died from cancer in 2015. This made room for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in a stunning upset in 2016.

Saving Face

The Obamas and Bidens have attempted to downplay the rumors about the strained relationship between the families. When asked about the reports, Crystal Carson, Michelle Obama's communications director, denied there was any problem between them.

"Mrs. Obama has already said she supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign. She is friends with Kathleen and with the Bidens," Carson claimed.

"Two things can be true," the communications director added. "On Monday, Dr. Biden graciously joined the family to celebrate the life of Mrs. Marian Robinson," Carson said of an event honoring Michelle Obama's mother.

It behooves both families to put on a brave face, but especially the Bidens during this crucial time. As Election Day looms large on the horizon, Michelle Obama's high approval numbers could help garner more support for the president's floundering reelection bid.

Over the years, there has been much chatter about a growing rift between the Obamas and Bidens. The fact that Michelle Obama has not campaigned for the president much during this crucial time seems to give credence to the rumors.

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