Expert calls Aileen Cannon's fights with Jack Smith's team 'unprofessional'

 June 28, 2024

A legal expert has harshly criticized Judge Aileen Cannon for the way she has handled the case involving Donald Trump's confidential documents. 

The judge has been described as "unprofessional" in the manner in which she has directed her comments toward the prosecution, according to the legal expert, as Newsweek reported.

Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor, stated on the news and opinion website Salon that the team working for special counsel Jack Smith was "dealing with a judge who is unlike any other judge."

"There's nothing that has crossed the line, in my opinion," Rahmani said. "And if anything, the judge herself has been unprofessional and kind of criticizing the prosecution in a way that, again, most of the judges would not."

The Lead Up

The statements are a response to the criticism that Judge Cannon delivered to Smith's prosecution team on Monday. Judge Cannon told prosecutor David Harbach, "I don't appreciate your tone."

She reportedly said she would to "appreciate decorum at all times" and added, "If you aren't able to do that, I'm sure one of your colleagues can take up arguing this motion."

In a later statement, Harbach expressed his regret to Cannon for his "unprofessional" behavior during the hearing.

Rahmani stated that any decision that Cannon would make to remove Harbach from the case would most likely be reversed on appeal, and he also stated that judges need to "be a little more thick-skinned."

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"She is entertaining some ridiculous arguments," Rahmani said, making comments similar to criticism of Cannon. "She's allowed outsiders who really have nothing to do with the case, to submit briefs and to argue. No judge would allow that."

In addition, the former prosecutor stated that the judge's lack of concern for the length of the proceedings was another source of "a lot of frustration."

The admonition from Cannon took place at the same time that Smith's team was attempting to obtain a gag order against former President Trump in order to prevent him from putting law enforcement officials at risk due to his online comments.

The Petition

The request was submitted by the prosecution after Trump made statement claiming that President Joe Biden had directed the FBI to use "deadly force" during their search of Mar-a-Lago for sensitive papers in August of 2022.

Trump asserted in an email sent to donors that this showed the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the administration of President Joe Biden were "locked and loaded ready to take me out."

The allegations that Trump inappropriately held on to confidential papers after leaving the White House in January 2021 and impeded efforts to surrender them to the appropriate federal authorities have led to the filing of forty felony counts against him in the state of Florida.

The former president who is also the presumed nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, has entered a plea of not guilty to all charges and has denied any wrongdoing.

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