Disappointment for 'Squad' member Jamaal Bowman who lost most expensive House race ever

 June 26, 2024

New York "Squad" member Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) will need to start looking for a life after politics following what can only be described as a spectacular loss at the polls on Tuesday.

The former school teacher and current notorious fire alarm puller mounted what is currently believed to be the most expensive House race in history, only to have it fall short, according to a report by Breitbart News.

The representative that some see as a politician pandering to the left was finally done in by his own catch 22 between liberal causes and the densely Jewish population in his home state of New York.

Recent Failures

Bowman was called on the carpet, and caught a few charges, after he pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol building during a particularly momentous vote for Democrats.

Legislators were preparing to vote on a temporary funding measure to avert a government shutdown when Bowman falsely triggered a fire alarm in a congressional office building

The charges resulted in a criminal conviction for the former school teacher who pulled a fire alarm when his party looked like it would lose a vote.

Following that event, there was a huge outcry about his representation for the leftists who have not been particularly sympathetic to the individuals who were targeted in the Oct. 7 2023 terror attacks.

Race Cost

A national referendum on Israel-Palestinian policy was at the heart of the primary in New York's 16th Congressional District, leading to Bowman's loss to Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

Based on the location of the race and other factors, the two camps reportedly spent a combined $23 million on the Democratic primary, according to submissions compiled by OpenSecrets and AdImpact.

The race for Latimer was declared less than thirty minutes after the polls had closed.


The liberal former middle school principal and "The Squad" member spoke for the Democratic Party's rebellious Hamas sympathizers, while the pro-Israel lobby's Latimer denounced Hamas's assault on Israel.

Latimer backs a two-state solution but has not demanded a ceasefire, whereas Bowman is against Israel's military activities in Gaza.

Also, Bowman was accused of antisemitism for a number of reasons, including his denial that Hamas raped women during the terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 (for which he apologized under intense political pressure) and his mocking of another House member for entertaining Jewish leaders.

However, none of those efforts were enough to keep Bowman on the ballot for November and warming his seat in the People's House.

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