Democrat royalty Michelle Obama steals the spotlight from Kamala at her own convention

 August 21, 2024

Michelle and Barack Obama left Democrats in raptures on the second night of the Democratic National Convention, as the party deployed its biggest stars to create excitement and "joy" for Kamala Harris.   

In an obvious attempt to recreate the enthusiasm behind her husband's campaign in 2008, Michelle claimed that "hope is making a comeback."

But the response the Obamas received in Chicago served as a reminder that Harris does not have anything close to their popularity.

Michelle O steals the show!

Prior to Harris' stunning rise to the top of the ticket, she was widely seen as charmless, inarticulate, and a liability to her party.

In fact, speculation had long swirled that Michelle Obama might replace Joe Biden as the nominee for president. Harris' sudden and rapid rise has left Democrats scrambling to "reintroduce" her to the American people.

The Obamas stuck to the message Tuesday night, lavishing praise on their nominee with platitudes about "hope." Michelle Obama spoke of a "magical feeling" spreading across the nation since Harris replaced Biden in a ruthless coup.

"My girl, Kamala Harris, is more than ready for this moment," Michelle said.

"She is one of the most qualified people ever to seek the office of the presidency. And she is one of the most dignified," Michelle said.

Punching below the belt

While extolling Harris in vague terms, the Obamas took sharp jabs at Trump.

Michelle Obama, who famously said, "when we go low, they go high," hit below the belt with inflammatory racial attacks, claiming Trump is "threatened" by successful black people.

"For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power try to make people fear us," she said, alluding to Trump's role in sowing doubts about Obama's birth certificate.

"See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly-educated, successful people who happen to be black."

Michelle also ginned up outrage over Trump's use of the term "black jobs" to describe the impact of illegal immigration on the employment prospects of working-class blacks.

"Who’s gonna tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those “black jobs”?

In his own speech, Barack Obama took a shocking jab at Trump's manhood. Of course, Obama's vicious attacks came paired with a lofty lecture about unity.

Democrats are obviously desperate to resurrect the energy of 2008, but they are spiteful and obsessed with Trump, and clearly not inspired by Harris, try as they might to feign enthusiasm for her.

It's not a good sign for her campaign that she is being overshadowed at her own coronation ceremony. How will she hold up once the fanfare subsides, and the real campaign starts?

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