Cory Booker recites misleading January 6th talking points, accuses Trump of returning 'to the scene of the crime'

 June 17, 2024

Nearly four years after January 6th, the alleged "insurrection" has receded in the minds of most Americans, but Democrats are still pushing their narrative as Joe Biden falls behind on issues that people actually care about, like the economy.

Democrats have become especially desperate.

In an example of how desperate Democrats have become, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker compared Donald Trump's triumphant return to the nation's capital last week to a criminal "returning to the scene of the crime" in a MSNBC interview. 

His theatrics sparked massive backlash.

Dem pushes dead narrative

Booker described the spectacle of Trump's return as "painful" and recited many of the familiar buzzwords about the "sacred" citadel of "our democracy" being raided in an alleged coup.

The senator showed his party's cavalier attitude with the facts, repeating the viral talking point that "multiple" police officers were killed.

"The world's most deliberative body, in a sacred civic space, had to be chased out, literally running for their lives to avoid a mob that was chanting murderous chants. It ultimately led to the deaths of multiple police officers," he said.

In reality, no police deaths have been directly attributed to the actions of the January 6th rioters. Booker was, it appears, vaguely alluding to police suicides that have been loosely linked with the riot.

The death of officer Brian Sicknick was ruled the result of natural causes. A Trump supporter, Ashli Babbitt, was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer who faced no consequences.

Dems furious about Trump's return

Trump put on a united front with Republicans last week, shaking hands with former critics who once blamed him for the January 6th riot, like Senate minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The display infuriated Democrats, who are locked in a tight battle with Republicans for control of the levers of power in Washington.

"He [Trump] showed back up at the scene of the crime, and people who spoke very passionately about the President of the United States really undermining the dignity of the office and inspiring a riot showed back up to the Capitol. It brought a lot of that pain back," Booker said.

Of course, Booker's language about the "scene of the crime" also echoes the Democratic party's new favorite talking point: that Trump is a "convicted felon" because a kangaroo court in Manhattan found him guilty of a bogus crime.

Despite the media's endless barrage of propaganda, Trump is in a tight race with Biden as many Americans look back with nostalgia on the prosperity of the Trump years.

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