A federal court blocks Biden's Title IX changes in 6 additional states

 June 18, 2024

A U.S. district court in Kentucky blocked President Joe Biden's changes to Title IX rules in another six states, Breitbart reported. A total of 10 states have refused following a West Virginia lawsuit against allowing a gender-confused male to compete in female sports.

On Monday, the federal court approved the injunction in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Virginia. This adds to Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, and Mississippi, where it has already been blocked by a federal judge in Louisiana.

The court said that it's "impossible to square" the new rules with the intent of Title IX education protection as it was first conceived. Further, it said that "despite society’s enduring recognition of biological differences between the sexes, as well as an individual’s basic right to bodily privacy," Biden's new rules give men access to women's spaces "based entirely on a person’s subjective gender identity."

The court added, "This result is not only impossible to square with Title IX but with the broader guarantee of education protection for all students." The issue came to a head following a West Virginia lawsuit.

The Inciting Case

The education rules are under fire because of a lawsuit filed on behalf of a middle school girl in West Virginia. The young female athlete was forced to compete against a gender-confused boy in her school sports.

The boy, Becky Pepper-Jackson, was allowed to compete in track in West Virginia against the girls because of Title IX as the Biden administration pushed it, Fox News reported. The boy had been taking cross-sex hormones since he was 13 years old.

In April, five middle school girls stood up to the rule and refused to compete in an event with Pepper-Jackson. The video of the girls in silent protest as Pepper-Jackson threw a shotput went viral.

The problem went beyond one boy in girls' sports, however. According to Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the 15-year-old girl who sued Pepper-Jackson and the Christian Educators Association International, said that at least 300 female athletes have lost their rightful place in the last three years in discus and shot put.

A Victory Celebration

Many advocates for the protection of girls' and women's sports celebrated Monday's ruling, including former collegiate swimmer turned activist Riley Gaines. She founded the Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute, which advocates for female-only sports.

The Gaines for Girls podcast host released a statement following the ruling touting the victory for her cause. "This is a huge win," Gaines said.

"I don't think we would have seen this kind of decisive action 2 years ago. The gender ideology house of cards is crumbling. And it's crumbling fast," Gaines added.

"I hope every generation following mine has the same opportunity to compete and succeed that I was fortunate to have for most of my athletic career. But if it's up to Biden and the progressive Democrats, they won't," she said.

The intrusion of males into female sports and spaces is the injustice of our time. Thankfully, states are pushing back on this madness while voters will soon have an opportunity to cast ballots against the people responsible for implementing it.

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