Voters put Democrats at a stunning 46 points under water

 February 20, 2025

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Whether Democrats have learned from the 2024 election blowout they sustained isn't clear.

After all, their landslide loss in the presidential election, and their loss of the Senate, combined with their inability to gain a majority in the House, may have changed some minds.

It just isn't apparent from their statements and actions yet.

But what is apparent is that voters don't believe they've changed.

Because a new polling shows that only 22% of voters approve of the way Democrats in Congress are doing their job, an all-time low.

Sixty-eight percent disapprove, putting them 46 points underwater.

For Republicans, there's a 40% approval to 52% disapproval result, meaning the GOP is 12 points underwater.

Twitchy opined, "Donald Trump has been president just about a month and early on it became clear that the Democratic Party learned absolutely nothing from what the voters made abundantly clear in the November election."

It added, "A new all-time low for congressional Dems has been reached and the Left seems determined to keep digging."

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