Trump 2025 Cabinet Picks Begin To Emerge: Report

 September 30, 2024

As the possibility of a second Trump administration looms, discussions about who may fill top Cabinet roles are already gaining traction. Despite claims from the Trump campaign that these conversations are premature, speculation is growing around several key figures. Familiar faces from Trump's first term, alongside new allies, are being considered for top positions, and loyalty is expected to play a central role in the selection process.

Several prominent individuals are being floated for key positions in a potential second Trump administration, with loyalty proving crucial for consideration, The Hill reported

The Trump campaign has acknowledged that conversations about Cabinet appointments are ongoing but maintains that formal decisions remain distant. This caution comes at a time when several members of Trump's previous Cabinet have not thrown their support behind his 2024 campaign, making loyalty an increasingly important factor for his team.

Transition Team Led by Familiar Faces

Linda McMahon, who previously served as head of the Small Business Administration, and businessman Howard Lutnick are leading Trump’s transition team. Both played significant roles in Trump’s first term, and their involvement signals the importance of trusted allies for future appointments. Joining them in honorary roles are Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, as well as Donald Trump Jr., Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

These figures are likely to have significant influence over the transition process, especially as Trump weighs several prominent contenders for critical roles, such as Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense.

Possible Contenders for Secretary of State

Among those being considered for Secretary of State are Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Bill Hagerty, and former National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien. All have established themselves as influential voices in foreign policy and national security, and their names have been floated in discussions surrounding this critical role. Trump will likely choose someone who not only shares his vision for America’s role in the world but also remains unwavering in their loyalty.

As Trump builds his team, speculation also surrounds key positions like Secretary of Defense, where several high-profile figures are vying for consideration.

Secretary of Defense Candidates Surface

For the role of Secretary of Defense, Sen. Tom Cotton is a notable contender. He has long been a vocal supporter of a strong defense policy, aligning with Trump’s priorities in this area. Other names in the running include Rep. Michael Waltz, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former Acting Pentagon Chief Christopher Miller.

Trump has praised Miller’s time leading the Pentagon, stating, “We had Miller at the end who did a very good job. I thought he was really good.” This praise suggests that Miller is a serious contender for the role, although Cotton’s name has also been floated due to his military background and policy stances.

Potential Attorney General Picks

The position of Attorney General is also drawing considerable attention. Trump is reportedly considering Sen. Eric Schmitt and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for the role. Paxton, a staunch ally of Trump, faced impeachment in 2023 by the Texas state House but was later acquitted by the state Senate. Trump has praised Paxton’s abilities, calling him a “very talented guy,” signaling that loyalty remains a major factor in these decisions.

Other roles, including Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Commerce, are also being considered, with several key names already emerging as possible picks.

Treasury Secretary and Commerce Secretary Candidates

For the Treasury Secretary position, hedge fund manager John Paulson, former U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, investor Scott Bessent, and former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are among those being discussed. Trump is expected to choose someone with extensive financial expertise, capable of guiding economic policy during a potential second term.

The race for Commerce Secretary is similarly competitive. Linda McMahon, Robert Lighthizer, Sen. Bill Hagerty, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and businessman Keith Krach are all being mentioned as contenders. Trump could also look to bring in an outsider with extensive business experience, much like he did in his first term.

In a surprising twist, Trump has indicated a willingness to include Democrats in his Cabinet, should he win the election. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, both of whom have supported Trump’s policies in the past, have been mentioned as potential Cabinet members. Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman, has been suggested for a diplomatic role, while Kennedy could potentially lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

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