Justice Sotomayor's bodyguards shoot a carjacker outside her home

 July 10, 2024

At least one Supreme Court justice was in for a shock just days ago when a shooting rocked her personal residence, leading to the involvement of multiple agencies and, no doubt, damage to the justice's feeling of well-being in her own home.

While protecting the residence of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in Washington, DC, two deputy US Marshals opened fire on a would-be carjacker who brandished a weapon, according to authorities, according to the New York Post.

Event Details

The 18-year-old Kentrell Flowers allegedly approached one of the marshals' vehicles at approximately 1:15 a.m. on July 5 outside Sotomayor's home in northwest DC and brandished a firearm.

As the attacker moved toward one of the federal officials, they were forced to retaliate, taking shots at the teen, according to the US Marshals Service, as reported by The Post.

During the course of the incident, one of the federal agents pulled out his handgun and fired a number of shots at the suspect. Additionally, the second officer also fired his weapon at Flowers.

Officials added that Flowers, a resident of Southeast DC, was taken into custody and treated at a nearby hospital for injuries that were not considered life-threatening.

The Justice

It has been reported by a source close to the incident that the justice who had been selected by former President Barack Obama was not at home when the attempted carjacking occurred.

During the course of their investigation into the shooting, officers from the Metropolitan Police Department discovered a semi-automatic weapon at the scene.

“The Deputy US Marshals involved in the shooting incident were part of the unit protecting the residences of U.S. Supreme Court justices,” the US Marshals office said in a statement.

Charges of armed carjacking, carrying a pistol without a license, and possession of a large-capacity magazine were brought against the teen suspect.

For the time being, the United States Marshals Service and the Metropolitan Police Department have declined to provide any additional information regarding the investigation that is still ongoing.

Similar Attacks

This is only the most recent in a string of high-profile carjackings that have occurred in the nation's capital, some of which have targeted federal agents and VIPs.

Secret Service agents who were assigned to President Biden's granddaughter, Naomi, opened fire on a group of individuals who were attempting to break into an unmarked Secret Service car. This incident occurred late last year.

When the agents arrived in Naomi's Georgetown neighborhood shortly before midnight on November 12, they discovered three individuals attempting to enter the parked car, according to the officials.

Additionally, former Trump administration staffer Mike Gill was sitting in his vehicle on K Street at approximately 5:45 p.m. in January when he was shot and killed by a carjacker. Gill was pronounced dead at the scene.

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